Review of legal films as part of the 26th edition of the EnergaCAMERIMAGE Festival of the Art of Cinematography in Bydgoszcz

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Revived Advocacy, held during the entire year of the 26th edition of the EnergaCAMERIMAGE Film Art Festival, a review of legal films under the name “On guard of our rights” was organized. The aim of the projection was to present the viewers with the work and devotion of “people of justice” with which they fulfill their duties. During the inauguration there were premieres of British production titled “The Children Act” (directed by R. Eyre) and “Roman J. Israel, Esq.” (Directed by D. Gilroy).

After the screening a discussion panel took place titled “How does the law inspire filmmakers?”, attended by adv. Andrzej Malicki – co-creator of the screenplay of the movie “Bezmiar sprawiedliwość” (directed by W. Saniewski) about the genre of court drama and its important, from a social point of view, role in cinematographic achievements. During the post discussion panel attorney Igor Gładysz also took part in the discussion.

The ceremony was held under the patronage of the Supreme Bar Council and the District Bar Council in Bydgoszcz.

You can find more about the festival here.


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