Interview with attorney Andrzej Malicki - "Business Icons 2015"
The final of the Stanisława Mikke’s National Oratory Contest for Trainee advocates took place on February 18 this year. in Cracow. One of the members of jury was adv. Andrzej Malicki.
The competition was attended by 12 applicants, winners of environmental eliminations, who presented speeches in the role of procedural representatives in civil proceedings or as a defense attorney or proxy of an auxiliary prosecutor in a criminal trial.
After hearing the speeches of all contestants, the jury evaluated them, taking into account the correctness of the legal issues, style and language of the speech, its form, phonetic correctness, construction of the speech, as well as the presentation of the facts and general impression.
The first place was taken by apl. advocate. Angelika Jędryka-Pihut from the Bydgoszcz Chamber, the second place was for advocate Dagmara Jagodzińska from the Bielsko-Biała Chamber, third place received advocate Julia Szkudlarek from the Łódź Chamber.
The jury awarded the trainee advocates: Agata Kleczkowska from the chamber in Toruń, Jacek Tomasz Golan from the chamber in Warsaw and Maria Skotnicka from the Krakow chamber. Additionally, apl. advocate. Agata Kleczkowska received a special award for “a unique speech” from Mrs. Bożena Mikke, wife of the patron of the Oratory Competition, late advocate Stanisława Mikke.
Not only the winners of the competition received diplomas, but also other participants. Andrzej Malicki and Przemysław Branny shared the remarks about the applicants’ speeches with the laureates and the gathered audience.
The competition was conducted by a jury composed of: chairman adv. Andrzej Zwara, director of OBA, adv. Paweł Gieras, dean of the ORA in Cracow, adv. Elżbieta Nowak, chairwoman of the training commission for NRA trainee advocate, adv. Justyna Mazur, dean of the ORA in Bydgoszcz, adv. Bartosz Tiutiunik, adv. Andrzej Malicki, delegate of ORA and Przemysław Branny, actor of the Cracow Bagatela Theater.